Yes Mr. President, I agree with you Museveni

When Uganda's president Yoweri Museveni opposes an anti-gay bill passed by lawmakers that calls for life imprisonment for gays, even as he characterizes homosexuals as "abnormal" people who should be rehabilitated, then I smell the Africa that is changed from the one which pretends to abide with the cultures which may be in one way or another outdated. When I read the letter by the president its clear that the Ugandan President has made it known that the U turn he made on the same in 2011 still stands and that he represents all Ugandans whether Gay or Straight.
Museveni is a president who doesn’t give in to pressure from the so called evangelicals as well from lawmakers from his own party NRM.
Although the Sexual minorities fault the president on the characterization of the homosexuals, I feel it’s the time they live with that because its better than rotting in prison.
Like Museveni I wonder, what do you do with an abnormal person? “Do we kill him/her? Do we imprison him/her? Or we do contain him/her?"
Museveni has previously warned of serious consequences for Uganda's foreign relations if a bill proposing severe punishment for gays is passed. Some European countries have threatened to cut development assistance to Uganda if the bill becomes law.
I tend to disagree with Museveni on the commercial part of the gayism in Uganda as its my believe that prostitution is not discriminative and calling for improving the economy so that the youth have better jobs and are better positioned to reject offers of money for sex with Western homosexuals is not proper.
 I wish to again ask Ugandan House speaker to promote sound Parliamentary democracy and stop using parliament of Uganda as a personal forum but create laws that benefit the Ugandan economy. I once again salute president for that decisive view of the law that has led to war of words between the activists and the evangelicals.


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