Referendum: Its all About Kenya

Barely 4 months after the March 4 general election, are Kenyans experiencing the worst economic hardships due to the massive donor withdraw and the implementation of the 2010 constitution. The recent prolonged Teachers’ strike put the jubilee government in a corner that it was deemed to fail. The main question that many want answered is; was Uhuru Kenyatta validly elected by the Majority of Kenyans? Did he maintain 50% plus one vote in at least 24 of the 47 counties? I remember during the referendum in 2010 I was on record having opposed the creation of County system of governments with no electoral power. That system was deemed to install a president who does not represent the face of Kenya and therefore its time we correct the said mistakes that we committed in 2010. Sincerely, I am uncertain that Adan Duale didn’t know that Kenyans love the so called mini presidents as they are here to serve us because we elected them to serve us in that capacity and therefo...