Kenya, The future is Here

Kenya as a nation has come from far; we have evolved from a single party state in the 80s to chaotic transition to multiparty democracy in the early 90s. We have witnessed people disappear without trail after they put the government of the day on account. We were alive when we witnessed a regime change in 2002 and here we are.

We have witnessed our media evolve from fear to authoritative and devolved to mere mediocre as we march on to the 2017 elections. The feeling of toppling KANU out power in 2002 after 39years was mutual. It was a great move and precedence in African democratic space. We as a nation were united and had a common goal and agenda. We wanted to make it right where we had been making it wrong during the elections.

 In the aftermath, the face of Kenya greatly transformed and the economic growth was tremendous. 10 year after the 2002 elections, Kenyans deviated to tribal politics and Kikuyu backed Uhuru Kenyatta won the 2013 vote despite calls for the nullification of his election. We devised the phrase ‘accept and move on’.

we did move on.  We knew we had consequences that awaited us after we ignored progress to comfort zone. We had a double problem to deal with, ranged from corruption in the county governments to stealing of public funds in the much publicised National youth service saga. We never elected leaders who had Kenya at heart but those who were desperate to clear their names in the ICC. I think they won the case on technical basis, but we have a lot yet to come in this election year. With the 5years coming to a close by this August as per the law, it’s the glorious opportunity to make right where we all made it wrong.

The time is now to start acting as stipulated and send Uhuru Kenyatta parking as we are tired of his antics and poor governance of our nation. If the last 4 years the duo have been in power is anything to go by, then Kenyans know where to put their trust in.  Critics have their word that they [Jubilee Regime] have succeeded in transforming the fight against corruption by replacing it with grand theft. This has downed our country’s economic growth and progress at alarming rate.

The writing is on the wall that Kenyans need a regime change, not in 2022 but in 2017. Time to shun tribal politics and stand to be counted as we make the change a glorious reality is here. We have defied the urge to do selfish politics before, and this mid-term election is no different.

We may have been swayed by the much hyped digital slug but we need to start using our heads not some kind of believes. We need to have some rhetoric in this campaign and role of the election to the future of our nation.

As a voter we need to have the obvious question of ‘what precedence do you setting for the future of this nation?’

We may not agree on all but some of the most ideologies we do. Let’s look at the bigger picture that our nation sets in African stage. We have a government that does not have a sense in the economic development? Are we on course to meet the challenges that come our way? Do we have visionary leaders?

 In 2013, I wrote about Kenya, a failed nation. I was certain that our choices as a nation formed our own undoing during that time. When we ignored the policies envisaged in the presidential manifestos and decided to do what we do best; going home, I knew we were doomed to fail.

The story of Kenya under Jubilee government can be likened to that of Zambia under Fredrick Chiluba; Same script different cast and stage. Chiluba robbed Zambia their resources but ended up not repaying the country till his death.  We need to elect leaders not ring leaders; we need visionary leaders not vicious manifestos. In short, we need to send Uhuru Kenyatta home in this election.

I was there when Kenyans defied tribalism and voted overwhelmed for a president on a wheelchair. I will be there when Kenyans will elect the first non-kikuyu or kalenjin in 2017. It doesn’t matter who will match up against Uhuru Kenyatta, it doesn’t matter what the agenda on paper will be, certainly it doesn’t matter what rigging measures the incumbent have in place, all that matters is we make right where it all went wrong.

Unlike 2013, 2017 will not have the ICC in play; there will be no sympathy vote whatsoever. It’s Uhuru Kenyatta against the rest of Kenyans who want good governance. It will be about defending his track record and checking on the manifesto. Well to me, Uhuru Kenyatta’s government has always had one agenda, Raila. No wonder they are praying to their gods that Raila takes retire from politics.

The time has come we march forward to the Promised Land and deliver Kenyans to the future they have always wished to be in. A future with no police brutality, future that will no longer be based on tribal outfit; It’s a future that you and I believe in. I am certain we are together in this.

A lot is to be done in the quest to perfect constitutional order. All we need now is a regime that doesn’t have too much lies and dishonesty. We have the power in our hands to make it happen through voting for the leaders who are not held captive by political parties sponsored them to parliament. We need leaders not psychopaths who would ensure that the executive is held accountable for their own mistakes. And we are going to be part of that voice come august 2017.

Well, I might be off these days but am back to be part of that voice that will wrestle this nation out captivity of PR Government.  And that is vivid in this year’s elections. We must be held accountable and choices have consequences if we yet again vote as we did in 2013.


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