Are these kicks of dying M7 regime?
Museveni Government may be heading south
after what is termed to be the lowest rating of his 27 year rule. Influential
church leaders are part of the activists who called for an end to
the 27-year rule of President Yoweri Museveni. Museveni in 2012 through what they termed as failed quest to restore the term limits. President Museveni has been resisting the
efforts to restore term limits on his office and in 2012 he faced record-low
public-approval ratings.
The NRM president was urged by the activists to retire after the expiry of the current term by 2016 but the main question lies here, is Museveni ready to relinquish his power and retire like Kenya’s 2nd president Daniel Moi? What will be the repercussion of the NRM president retiring and finally is it practical for the former rebel to vacate the state house in Entebbe?
The NRM president was urged by the activists to retire after the expiry of the current term by 2016 but the main question lies here, is Museveni ready to relinquish his power and retire like Kenya’s 2nd president Daniel Moi? What will be the repercussion of the NRM president retiring and finally is it practical for the former rebel to vacate the state house in Entebbe?

Quoted by some sections
of the media Niringiye said The time has come to imagine a different
future. So what future does Uganda have
and what magnitude would the pearl of Africa have if a president is elected
outside the former rebel group NRM? Will Ugandans have a time to shape their
own country both socially and politically? Will the police reform and stop
being partisan?
While in Makerere
university Kampala in December last year,
FDC president Dr. Col. Kizza Besigye was quoted having said, Uganda is a
country governed by criminals. Do you agree with Besigye? Well a walk in the
city of Kampala town gives you an impression of a modern day tyranny, tankers
at every junction of the road, police driving to and fro the highways all in
the name of vigilance. Do we have to have police everywhere to show that we
have peace?
I support Bishop
Niringiye on the term limits and add that in mature democracies we must give
opportunities to each and every citizen a chance to move the country.
I believe the first
president of the United states of America should be the source of inspiration
for African tyrannical leaders such as President Mugabe and Museveni of
Zimbabwe and Uganda respectfully. He said that him being elected as president
of the union of American states did not mean him together with his family were
the best, he said monarchy was not the best system of governance for the
American people and it was like reintroducing the British imperialism.
Every year a journalist
or two are murdered in Uganda and through NRM governance Uganda is one of the countries where media freedom. Not
surprising obscene publications find their way to newspaper vendor’s stalls in
Kampala city. Journalists are the checks and balances of the political class
but in present day Uganda they have chosen to entertain the politicians
In 2012 President Museveni is
facing the lowest public rating in his 26year of 26%. That meant it’s hard for
the NRM chair to be re-elected for another term in office as they believe
Uganda is heading direction a year after the son of Kaguta was re- elected, 74%
disapprove the president.
In 2005, ethics and
governance minister Miria Matembe and Eriya Kategaya were sacked from his
cabinet after they publicly opposed his manoeuvres to remove the constitutional
presidential term limits. Uganda under Museveni the story
Miria Matembe later gave a biblical analogy of Jesus
leadership of 3 years and where he tolerated criticism from his disciples and
accepted them as they were and never sacked them. She said the Jesus declared
his governance based on Isaiah 61:1-3. He had a cabinet of 12 men and a civil
service of some men and women. She said Uganda needs leadership with integrity
and zero tolerance to corruption with abiding to the rule of law.
According to former minister Miriam Matembe added that the
president needs to be visionary leader and his leadership should give people
hope and nurture a country. She said the transparency and abiding to the rule
of law. She urged the NRM president to fight corruption that tends to be
According to justice Kanyaamba president Museveni should
have leaders in his cabinet who have integrity and are clean.
It’s sad that the Brig (now Lt. General and Inspector
General of Police) Kale Kayihura, who was the UPDF Commanding Officer in Ituri
region of DRC, is misused by the government to oppress the opposition.
It’s no longer news that Inflation is way up the 20 percent
mark. Police killing unarmed protesters in demonstrations and some of the
president’s closest associates have been accused of corruption but sheltered
from prosecution. NRM regime is now on defensive as Ugandans have woken up and
soon democracy shall end the over 3 decades of rule of the rifle. The criticism
and the decline in popularity have made Museveni have sleepless nights.
Although the NRM president says that he is not God to say
let there be no corruption. From the Bassajjabalaba UGX 162B corruption saga to the youth fund in Jinja and arresting
of the opposition leaders and charging them with treason. So is it that the
country is far from democratic liberation?
Son of Kaguta rescued country from the failing economic
growth and economically Museveni is the most performing president compared to
Dr. Milton Obote, Titto Okello, Sir Edward Mutesa II and Idd Amin. He has been
telling off the religious leaders who want the term limits re-introduced that
he will one day also give them a counter-lecture.
Mr. Museveni came to power in 1986, after years of guerrilla
warfare that first overthrew Dictator Idi Amin and later Milton Obote creating
a transitional government and established stability after years of civil
Uganda promulgated the first constitution in 1995 and the
constitution over saw the first elections held in 1996 where observers
described as free and fair. Museveni won by 75.5% and He was re-elected in 2001
with 69 percent of the vote.
The 1995 constitution provided for a 2 terms limit and
Museveni was supposed should have left office after that second five-year term
in 2006.
NRM is said to have bribed legislators with USD $ 2,000 each
to amend the constitution and scrapped the clause on term limits from the
constitution and he was eligible to vie for the 3rd term in office.
Museveni winning margin declined by 10% to 59 percent and
consequently winning the fourth term last year and improved his victory margin
to 68 percent of the vote.
In my view Museveni should have left office honorably in
2006 like president Moi and go to history as the only Ugandan president who
made a change.
He has however steered the economic empowerment of the
Ugandan people compared with his predecessors. In the last two elections there
were widespread allegations of ballot-box stuffing, illegal campaign spending
and intimidation of voters and opposition candidates. This was seen as a factor
that made the elections to be seen as not free and fair in the history of
Ugandan democratic elections.
In the just concluded seating of the East African
legislative parliament in Arusha Tanzania Mr. Ogalo nominated by NRM supported
the motion seeking to bring back the ICC cases on 4 Kenyans to EACJ a move that
is viewed to be politically instigated.
Analysts Dr. Obote Odora a consultant in international
criminal and humanitarian law said, ‘objective of the amendment of the court’s
jurisdiction is not to "help" the Ocampo 4 but to protect the
National Resistance Movement (NRM) leadership.’
Dr. Obote adds Mr. Ogalo, while nominally a member of the
opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), has often, in the name of
bipartisan politics, worked very closely with the NRM leadership of Uganda.
Saying the Ugandan government is governed by criminals its
true When Brig. Kale Kayihura and his troops were surrounded and then captured
in Ituri, it was Uganda's Gen. James Kazini, now deceased, with the support of
the Bahema militia, who rescued him. During and after the Kayihura rescue, the
Bahema militia massacred the Balendu as the UPDF looked the other way.
So does president
Museveni has interest of barring the ICC try the 4 Kenyans at The Hague based
court? Besigye sentiments at Makerere University Kampala December last year
gain weight that the police need to arrest Yoweri Kaguta Museveni first before
they intimate the opposition on their political activities.
Why has it taken more than 26years for UPDF to arrest Joseph
Kony? What has the government done to rehabilitate the ex-child soldiers in
north Uganda? Museveni became president when he was young and it might have
been hard for him to make some of the hard decisions for the country. However,
the laxity of the Uganda peoples’ Defense Force is saddening. Today Uganda has
UPDF soldiers in AMISON despite the fact that Kony is still hiding somewhere in
the central Africa.
Further, it is as documented by Reyntjens, ‘the Uganda’s
occupation of the Ituri region led to armed conflicts between Bahema (of
Ugandan origin and a close ethnic group to Museveni’s Bahima) and the Balendu
who have been living in the region longer than the Bahema. The UPDF’s support of the Bahema against the
Balendu was critical in the massacre of thousands of Balendu ethnic group.’
NRM government has been doing what it does better,
protecting personal interests. The scrapping of the term limits and the Motion
in the EAC parliament is among the few incidences where the NRM government has
used parliament to protect its interests and those of its sympathizers who
include the IGP Lt-Gen. Kale Kayihura who you would mistake for a political
It’s no wonder in every political rally the opposition
mentions Kayihura does this, Kayihura that.
So what do you think the country is heading to? Is it in the
right track?
FDC iron lady Ingrid Turinawe has from time viewed police as
partisan other than the men in blue uniforms for vigilance.
Is NRM leadership fighting the ICC in the name of other
Ugandans who do support the court? I think the answer lies with the Ugandan
people who know the tribulation of the military regime.
Is NRM government having distrust to civilians, hence why we
have Kayihura an Army Commander is the IGP.Museveni does not trust the people
he rules, that’s why we have police
siren on Entebbe highway and near strategic points in Kampala?
The International Crisis Group has warned that President
Museveni is ruling Uganda through repression and patronage like Milton Obote
and Idi Amin did, setting up the country for future bloodshed. This adds the
weight to the criticism from the media that the leadership of President Kaguta
Museveni is gradually heading to the Idd Amin way.
The Brussels based organization discredited the NRM
leadership citing Museveni’s governance trajectory resembles those of Milton
Obote and Idi Amin – without the blatant brutality – beginning with policies of
tolerance and inclusion that gradually change to exclusion and repression.
International crisis group works to predict, prevent and
resolve occurrence of deadly conflicts in the world and it is based in
Tamale Mirundi trashed the reports saying they were racial
deviated and NRM has put in place mechanisms to ensure the continued stability
and prosperity of Uganda. The authors are most likely misinformed. He added, Museveni’s
is not a one-man rule because the Legislature and Judiciary are strong, each
working independently, but both providing oversight on the Executive.
State house in
Entebbe described as the ‘handiwork of “ignorant Europeans” – alleges that the
President favours his kinsmen and increasingly relies on them to sustain his
weakening rule.’
So if the report by
the Brussels based ICG is anything to go by, is NRM government beginning to
tarnish?According to the report the predecessors of Museveni “relied on
personal rule, rather than constitutional and institutional restraints, and
turned increasingly to patronage and coercion to govern.”
Today the NRM has the office of the first lady and state
minister for Karamoja Affairs H.E Janet Museveni. Appointment of the first lady
to the ministerial position sparkled criticism from the international media
especially the British owned BBC.
NRM President has been playing a defensive game that it’s
believed to be heading south and if instability in the country’s top notch is
anything to go by, then the NRM top members are gradually abandoning the
president. It should be noted that not all NRM MPs supports the president and
that why he spelt doom to the MPs from his party who were taking part in the
debate over the term limits.
The President has from time to time distasted any comparison
of him to his predecessors – who he fought against, but failed to topple – and
has on occasion called them “swines”.
In the 48-page report, the group traces Uganda’s problems to
the divide-and-rule policy injected by the British colonialists, and decries
the inability of post-independence leaders to cure, and their ironical appetite
to promote, the polarization based on ethnicity and religion.
According to the ICG report, Democratic reform and unifying
leadership under Museveni lost momentum in the first decade of rule, in the
period after, the President, used the ‘no-party’ Movement system to entrench
his rule and replaced old politicians and long-standing NRM members who
criticized his policies with trusted members of his inner circle, often from
his home area.
The Government Spokesperson Karooro Okurut trashed the
report saying the report is based on wishful thinking and post-Museveni era
violence is not possible.
FDC president Dr. Kizza Besigye has been the most live
challenger of the NRM government where he has termed the president to be the stumbling
block in the realization of democracy in Uganda. Besigye who was an insider at
the UPDF and later on went on exile for political reasons and returning to
Uganda in 2005 to vie for president has challenged M7 3 times and said he will
not participate in any future elections organized by President Yoweri Museveni
unless fundamental changes are made in the country’s electoral laws.
According to the FDC president Museveni has failed to
address the 3 major problems in Uganda, poor salaries, rampant corruption and
how he hopes to reduce the country’s enormous expenditure of public
NRM has been accusing Besigye of using his “Walk-to-Work”
protest as an attempt to overthrow the constitution and scare away tourists a
move that Besigye said Ugandans have been protesting against the country’s high
unemployment and not because he told them to do so.
Besigye has been quoted by a section of media having said he
is not looking at any other election organized by the chief election thief,
adding, “I will certainly not participate in any election organized in the same
way as the rigged elections that I have participated in. That’s why we must
demand by ways available to us fundamental reforms in the electoral processes,”
With the exception of
Kizza Besigye, the only opponents he hasn’t broken are women. The men run away
when Museveni goes after them, or bow down. After taking power, the strongest
political opponent Museveni faced was UPC’s Cecilia Ogwal. He actually offered
her the vice presidency of the republic, which she turned down.
Among the leaders who have the taste of the 3 sides of
Museveni is the FDC iron Lady Ingrid Turinawe, a lady who has 3 charges against
her by the state and still counting. Turinawe is a lady who has been on top in
the A4C rally organizers thinks of one thing the removal of Museveni.
At least for a reformer and like the late Wangari Maathai,
she is a drama queen with a knack for bringing out the worst in the state. She
has also had her time in prison and keeps driving the government nuts as she
lures them into blunder after blunder.
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