send off package was it necessary

With the rising cost of living and Kenyans overburdened by the new political offices created by the new constitution, members of parliament’s move to award themselves a kshs.9.3 million( close to ugx 288million ) is deemed to be unacceptable. Despite the existence of a salaries and remuneration commission, finance minister Njeru Githae went ahead and sneaked in clauses that required the August Members take home fat send off packages that for a common citizen, it’s like a refund of the tax the members of parliament have paid since they were sworn in the 10th parliament in January 15th 2008. According to the finance minister the package was calculated at 31% of MPs basic salary (kshs 200,000(UGX 6.3M)) between January 15th 2008 to the expiry of the old constitution in august 2010. Later the Mps got a boost after the new constitution which forced them to pay taxes even on their allowances and therefore the remainder is 31% of their gross pay of kshs. 851,000 from the day the new constitution was promulgated on 27th August 2010 to their term expiry later on January 14th 2013.

The Government taxes up to 30% of gross salary of all Kenyans In regardless of their position of work and MPs send off package is the greatest joke of our entire taxation history owing to the fact that it’s like they have put on themselves the role of the president through the back door. To implement this impunity Kenyans will part with over kshs 2billion, Money which could have been used to repair our damaged road networks. Money which could have been used to upgrade the slums in kibera, money which could have been used to facilitate electricity supply to Kenyan rural areas hence its all headed for 224 members of parliament’s pocket. Now I get the feeling of being a ’Mheshimiwa’ (honourable MP), some people put it this way, ‘mwizi wa miwa’ (sugar cane thief). When Kenyans voted in the referendum in 2010, they voted for equitable distribution of resources, equality in terms of gender and sexual orientation. We voted to wipe out alienation of marginalized communities, people in terms of disability, creed and sexual affiliation. We created institutions to bring equality in terms of remuneration of send of packages and stripped parliament the role of them deciding what Kenyans should pay them but gave Kenyans the role of an employer who would decide what our elected leaders to get from our hard earned money in form of taxation.

Who gave the MPs the constitutional mandate of them sitting in parliament to discuss their package instead of discussing impending bills that are deemed important during this period of transition from hybrid system of governance to presidential system as from March 18th (if there would be no run off). On my opinion the 2 bills passed today by parliament Amendment to the finance bill 2012 and the newly smuggled bill on to the floor of the house, the retirement benefits (deputy president and designate state officers) bill 2012.

President Mwai Kibaki less than a month ago had rejected the payment of the package in the finance bill 2012 but it’s sad that this is a dire criminals system that had guts to reintroduce the package in another bill that sees people who are rooted to be the presidents and deputy presidents get a send off package. So where are they going? At least for president Kibaki is not only retiring from presidency but also from civil service, politics and as a member of parliament. As he goes for his Othaya Home, some of the said state officers will contesting for elective positions in the upcoming general elections and we wonder is that the meaning of the word ‘ Retirement’.

President Kibaki was given a good deal, of course I call it a good deal because it makes no difference between him working and not working. The figures show how Kenyans are out of their senses. Why should you give a president kshs 12.6 million Lump sum and also add him other benefits? At least Baba Jimmy will get a monthly pension plan of kshs. 560,000 and a total allowance kshs 266,000  a total of kshs 826,000 monthly for doing nothing after retirement. Currently the head of state takes home kshs. 700,000 untaxed money as basic salary. Don’t even think of adding the allowances owing to the fact the president lives in the state house.

What kills me most is why should my former member of parliament (incase he looses his parliamentary seat) have one armed security guard (of course Kenya police), a diplomatic passport for both Mps and his wife/her husband (is it necessary?), access to VIP lounge at all airports within Kenya( oops am almost imagining being in Kampala Uganda) and a maintenance expense for all.  I have been to Uganda and saw what it feels to have a military president in statehouse. Where the sovereign citizens are treated like 2nd class citizens and the military leaders thrive through culture of impunity. Please spare me the sight of a minister escorted by police officers; did we elect you to get that escort? Why would a looser in an election get a VIP treatment in the airport?

As a taxpaying citizen I urged president Kibaki to reject that finance bill and as he swore to uphold and defend the constitution of the republic of Kenya, he should tell his MPs that Kenya has a commission for remuneration led by Sarah Serem.  I believe president Kibaki will reject as he has rejected a similar attempt to have his salary leveled with that of the US president.


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