Uhuruto's "Facing to the East" may not help

By Kilonzi Titus

I am distigusted by the spontaneous obsession by Jubilee adherents over Uhuru's flirtation with China. Some comments by Jubilee supporters border on paranoia.

What's so new in China that should excite even the least bizzarre?. China has been there before and Kenyans should not be overly exuberated by the nascent overtures of "facing East" by the Uhuruto regime.

For those who may not know, China built Kasarani Stadium way back in 1985! China has had a presence in Africa since early 1960's! If China was the panacea to African countries' economic woes. Then the oldest Chinese friends like Tanzania would not be hosting Obama,Bush to seek economic/financial leverage from the West!

China may be fast growing economy but she has a sizeable gang of suitors offering similar services thus she may not be that keen a bride! China.s socio-political arena is fast changing and sooner the people of China will be demanding democratic practices from their leaders just like in the Western democracies.

Chinese lifestyles and cultural backgrounds will not and cannot match the average Kenyan's expectation vis-a-vis the Western culture deeply rooted in any Kenyan's life. For example- chinese companies cannot meet the wage/worker's expectation of an ordinry Kenyan job-seeker. Chinese employees have a distinct submissive nature towards their principals,a trait that is very rare and will conflict the kenyan workers very oftenly leading to industrial unrests like those experienced in Zambia.

Sample the following- ten chinese miners would die in a mine and immediately another team would descend into the same mines to remove the bodies and keep on with the chores as if nothing had happened. And this is very normal.

Will Kenyan workers perservere this stoic posture? And by the way, china herself is facing west for trade.

USA &EUROPE are chinas greatest trading partners. Tell me one global economy that has developed to its status courtesy of China?

My unsolicited counsel to Uhuru is to face East but seek the West. East alone will not fill the void left by the West. NEVER!

(The writer is my esteemed reader and works in India)


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