Not yet Uhuru in Kenya

When I look at the Ukambani region, I see not only unexploited potential but also the land that has been neglected since independence. I see a vast land full of fertility to feed Kenya and booster the fertility of the country. But successive regimes have left the region to waste since independence for reasons best known to them. The only question that begs to be answered is that, why Kenyan development agenda has has only revolved around the ‘who is who’ in leadership.

Back in 2012, I spend my entire industrial attachment in the vast county of Kitui where I was privileged to visit the Malalani in Endau in the Mutito Sub-County where the century old conflict between the Kamba and the Somali has continued despite the existence of security apparatus in the area.

What amazed me most was the fact that the area did not have GSM connectivity leave alone the outdated landline. I happened to represent the Ministry of Information in the DSIC (District Security and Intelligence Committee) which as norm was chaired by the District Commissioner. Mr. Kamau was the District commissioner in charge of Kitui East (Formerly Mutito) by then and it was sad to learn that the government forever ignores the conflict that needs to be solved once and for all.

The conflict between the kamba community and the Somali did not start last year, it dates back to 1900 and I remember Former Kitui East MP say that Somali will always come to Ukambani between June and October and Kamba have always lost the little they have to the pastoralists.

This has from time to time called for the return of the once powerful provincial administration that has been reduced in to mere puppet that you and I agree it’s essential. With the passage of the new constitution in 2010, the governors were manned with the responsibilities of having a say in the county level decisions. It was sad when president Kibaki expressed distrust to the governors with national security at county level. Today governors can not receive or command the security apparatus within their respective counties and that complicates the matters pertaining the solving of the major conflicts in the country.

From Ukambani I ask, are we Kenyans? Are we entitled to better treatment from the present government? Do we have to vote in a particular way to be in government? While in High school, my history teacher defined the word Democracy as a government by the people, for the people through majority vote…. Do we have to vote for you to deliver?

The recent appointment of Charity Ngilu as Cabinet Secretary alienated the kamba community farther on grounds that the people rejected her and here the Uhuru administration is imposing her to the people. Machakos Senator Johnston Muthama said that the problems that face the kamba community began when Paul Ngei started to oppose the land question that you and I agree its still a major issue that Kenya walks into 50th anniversary with.

In my previous article “Nothing to celebrate at 50” I argued that we still face the same calamities we had at independence. Correct me if am wrong but the only thing that has improved is the lowering of the mortality deaths, the introduction of new modes of communication and other commons issues. As a young Journalist, I can see we are not yet Uhuru, this is so because if the public hospital is 100 KM away, then how are you independent? If 80% of roads in Makueni County, 85% in Kitui and 40% in Machakos County are not tarmacked 50years after we gained independence then who can we claim we are independent?

Today, some regions find it hard to be absorbed in the job market that too mutated to the surname which makes one a representative of ones tribe. For instance, people find it hard to hire Kilonzo out of Felix, Kamau out of James and the like. Why has the tribal politics taken the centre stage of present day Kenya? Well that is a story for another day.

All that we push for is equitable distribution of resources and creation of one united Kenya which respects social rights in regardless of tribe or Creed.



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